Bee on Inula flower Aug 2013 Veddw copyright Anne Wareham s

I am very busy just now, so instead of the usual post  I am inviting a discussion by means of two links about community gardens.

Do we really care about them? Are they a sop to a sentimental notion of community? Do they open up gardening?  Do we like them? Are they the future of gardening? Or just terribly worthy?

I know you can comment on the sites in question, but you might like to think of coming back to a discussion here.

Here are the links:

Darryl Moore on Designing Community Gardens in the Guardian


Lia Leendertz: ‘Getting Dirty with the Neighbours  on Garden Buildings Direct

My thanks to Lucy Masters once again – this time for this suggestion. And to the editors of the sites linked to.

Anne Wareham, editor

PS I think there may be a place still on the thinkingardens supper on September 20th, which will involve tea at Veddw, then supper at the Anchor in Tintern with the discussion: do we still want beauty in our gardens or is beauty passé? For that place contact Lucy:

Fushia drip Early July Veddw copyright Anne Wareham 017


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