Chelsea 2011 by Anne Wareham

Chelsea 2011 “Is Chelsea still relevant?” – with thanks to Lila de Gupta for the question. This year I was wondering about the relevance of Chelsea and of show gardens in particular. I think that they are the joyful celebration of gardens made simply for the delight...

Hort Park, Singapore reviewed by Jonathan Fothergill

Travel time, readers from UK and USA – here’s interesting in South East Asia – a great piece from Jonathan Fothergill on Hort park, Singapore. Anne Wareham, editor Singapore, famed for its cut orchids and its botanic garden, has a new kid on the...

Chelsea 2008

Three of the thinkinGardens Group made a short film recording their thoughts.
“But for me, when I look over an edge and down into a space, I want to be rewarded and uplifted ….”

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