Essay on Gardening by Henk Gerritsen, reviewed by Catharine Howard

Essay on Gardening by Henk Gerritsen, reviewed by Catharine Howard

This review made me buy the book. It’s a real thinkingardens treat. But the cost on Amazon made me blench. Couldn’t find it cheaper. I ended up with the paperback at £27, with all the photos in black and white (see below). And I wanted to buy  Site,...
Want to get Published? by Claire Austin

Want to get Published? by Claire Austin

If you’ve ever wondered about the freedom of no agent, no editor, no publisher, just you, your words and freedom – this is for you. Hope it helps. Anne Wareham, editor  WRITING THAT BOOK by Claire Austin THE NEED FOR KNOWLEDGE All gardeners want to grow...
I’m not renewing my RHS Membership by Julieanne Porter

I’m not renewing my RHS Membership by Julieanne Porter

Having just been exposed to the expensive bonanza which is Chelsea, it seemed appropriate to look at the issue of garden costs again. This time the issue is the cost of RHS membership. This is a little close to my heart because the Veddw used to be a Partnership...
We closed our garden, by Abbie Jury

We closed our garden, by Abbie Jury

Yes, this is a conversation we have every year: shall we go on opening the garden? It’s very hard work and I end the season exhausted. It comes easier to the naturally gregarious, I suspect, the ones that don’t want to hide under the bed when people...
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