More on garden photography – by Laurent Kalfala and Gary Webb

The response to the pieces on garden photography was amazing – and I would encourage anyone who only read the original pieces to go back and read the comments. (see Rory Stuart and Charles Hawes) I also received two further pieces, which I am publishing here...
The Omnipotent Magician, Jane Brown reviewed by Gary Webb,

The Omnipotent Magician, Jane Brown reviewed by Gary Webb,

A review of a new book on – was he ever called Capability? – Lancelot Brown, reviewed by Gary Web who is Grounds Manager at Compton Verney, a Lancelot Brown landscape. Anne Wareham editor The Omnipotent Magician by Jane Brown reviewed by Gary Webb Our...
Can Gardeners be Considered Artists? by Gary Webb

Can Gardeners be Considered Artists? by Gary Webb

“I tend to think that in professionally tended gardens, the natural occurrence of targets, job descriptions, over-loading, all commonplace in a busy workplace, can quite often mask and tie up the creativity that exists within a gardener …”

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