Advertising with thinkinGardens

thinkinGardens is a unique and popular garden site, offering serious reading matter of a kind which is not available anywhere else in the garden media.

The readers are from the top end of the garden market – garden designers, writers, editors, bloggers and other garden professionals.


Advertising Rates

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We don’t do text links or guest blogs.

All advertisements are for a minimum period of 6 months.

Banner advert across the top of the page and appearing on every page = £120 per month. (minimum £720 = 6 months)

Small adverts on the sidebar, appearing on every page of the site (for sizes, see diagram to the right)  =

100 x 100 pixel advert on sidebar = £30 a month (minimum £180 = 6 months.)

150 x 300 pixel advert on sidebar = £50 a month (minimum £300 = 6 months )

300 x 300 pixel advert on the sidebar = £80 a month (minimum £480 = 6 months)

Contact thinkinGardens for more information about advertising.

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