
Hi to all subscribers and contributors, from your editor:

Substack is booming. I have gone there: https://annewareham.substack.com/

Anne Wareham on Substack

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And there are some great writers and gardeners there. Try The Gardening Mind by Jo Thompson, for example https://jothompson.substack.com/

She demonstrates how Substack can create a whole community, a garden school, a discussion forum and much plant discussion:


This is a stolen photo to tempt you.

I think it’s possible that such platforms are the future. At least for as long as blogs were, once. Maybe it will be more than that – see https://substack.com/@hamish/p-147007031

As editor of thinkingardens I got tired of editing.

It involved finding contributors, negotiating their post, then editing and illustrating their post, publishing and promoting it. I wanted to make my garden at Veddw and write.

There is wonderful stuff on here. (thinkingardens)

I would love to add some of it to Substack if the authors would give permission.

I believe it’s possible to create a joint site on Substack, where people can add their own stuff. (Must investigate) Would you want to do that? I am not going to go back to editing though……

What do you think? Shall we go? Let me know what you think, thinkingardeners?

Rose hips at Veddw copyright Anne Wareham

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