Now, correct me if I’m wrong – I would love to be wrong on this. I think there are three major websites which offer garden writing which is beyond and better than the bland and boring writing we find in the media generally. That’s two in addition to thinkingardens.
I confess I haven’t visited Garden Drum for some time, given that my preoccupation recently has been the study of Veddw local history. But it struck me when I visited regularly to be hitting the thinkingardener’s spot in Australia. Have an explore and let me know?

And in America, for the past 15 years they have had Garden Rant. And Garden Rant has definitely got exciting, outspoken and thoughtful writers. It has just had a major website revamp and has also invited two new contributors: me and Dan Hinkley. So thinkingardeners must now subscribe, if you haven’t already.

I hope to see you over there, upholding the thinkingardens’ spirit in the Comments or in Guest Posts. Batting for Britain!

Thanks for the connection to Garden Drum. I used to read it but it slipped from my mind. There are some good pieces there. And of course I subscribe to Garden Rant! I look forward to seeing lots of good ranting from you, Dan Hinkley and others.
I owe Garden Drum – the editor was kind enough to send a generous financial contribution to thinkingardens. And you’re right – well worth visiting.
I will endeavour to entertain on Garden Rant! Xxx
Will see you there as well
That’s really cheering! xxx
I’ve been dipping into Garden Rant for a few years. As long as you don’t simply reproduce your UK posts for their market, I now have another reason to dip. (Your first contribution was a bit mild, though, and you should “sock it to ’em!)
Looking forward to the additional doses of” trouble.”
Great! But I can’t promise not to reuse pieces either here or on Veddw blog! Xxx