Nine Questions – Duncan Brine
by Susan Cohan.
An interview with American garden designer Duncan Brine.
Nine Questions – Michelle Derviss
by Susan Cohan.
An interview with American Garden Designer, Michelle Derviss.
“A well steeped cup of tea, a butter cookie and my sketch book is always good for inspiration too.”
Did you say the “G” word? Wash your mouth out with soap
by Tim Richardson.
” – the idea of gardens and gardening comes freighted with apparently unassailable connotations of bourgeois mediocrity and convention, accompanied by visions of elderliness and amateurism.”
Response to I Hate Designing Gardens
by Chris Young.
“…one of my new year’s resolutions was not to give my advice too freely…”
The Things a Garden Centre Won’t Tell You
by Suzanne Albinson.
“Perhaps it would behove us to compile a central data base of garden plants, a Wikiplantia perhaps,….”
Pothole Gardens by Felicity Waters
“…the photos below show the best form of roadscaping that I have ever seen in the UK….”
I Hate Designing Gardens by Suzanne Albinson
by Suzanne Albinson.
“the client went to a local nursery and purchased a job lot of trees on sale and stuck them in all over the place and completely shot the design…”
The Gardening Animal: The Biology of its Behaviour
by Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen.
“….Gardening is mainly about pleasing our inner animal, catering to our body, our senses.”
by Steve Eddy, Brian Sewell and Anthony Quinn.
“I fell to wondering, yet again, at the vanity of painters incapable of even rudimenatary self-criticism and at the boundless conceit of amateurs.”
Hedonistic Gardens – A Return to Utopia
18th Century pleasure gardens by Malcolm Uhlhorn.
“as we emerge from this treacle pudding of a recession should we not be trying to shake off this national endemic of philistinism and austerity and be thinking as to how we could embrace the pleasure garden concept today?”
Feeling Gardens
by Amanda Patton.
“…art isn’t just visually appealing, it must move you, shock you, create emotion in you in some form. And so with gardens, they must move you on a deeper level than just being visually pleasing.”
The Garden and the Brain
by Jenny Woods.
“It is this reaction that Amanda Patton is trying to manipulate when she is designing the ‘feel-bad’ gardens she discusses in her article…”
Garden design in Japan and China
by Yue Zhuang.
“The Japanese have an extraordinary tradition of studying and assimilating the good from other cultures…”
An Art Project in Deal
by Christine Finn.
“Leave-Home-Stay began as a whole house excavation, conducted when I returned to the home I had known for 35 years after the deaths of both of my parents…..”
Ursula Buchan on Aspects of Garden Design
Cutting edge is what most people do with a pair of grass shears, not a design aspiration.
“Sure, everyone enjoys the show gardens at Chelsea Flower Show every year, but few people, it would appear, have the faintest desire to emulate what they see….”