Blooming Britain by Christine Dakin
Well, what do you think? Do you enjoy seeing our towns adorned like this? Or should we scrap it and find some better way to display our…
We should find out what people think by Anne Wareham
Mary Keen recently came across a blog post which was frank about the writer’s opinion of her garden. It was clear from her response both in her…
Go it alone? by Rory Stuart
It’s an odd way to approach something which should be such a total, immersive, absorbing experience: to go round a garden with a guide or with the…
Slow Gardening by Sally Gregson
Do you have the patience? Here is Sally Gregson, shooting herself in the foot: a nurserywoman encouraging us to think (and look and think some…
Conspicuous Design by Tim Richardson
I am very grateful for the generosity of Tim Richardson and the editor, Sarah Giles, of the Garden Design Journal for permitting me to use this…
Will they get it? A review of the Native Plant Garden at NYBG by Susan Cohan
This is an interesting review of a garden – and, as all good reviews do – it raises an interesting question. You don’t need a postcard to let us…
Just a gardener – Just? by Stephen Hackett
We’ve had a lot of responses to Nick Turrell’s piece, ‘Would you be a Gardener?’. Including what amounts to a whole new article, which I am…
Would you be a gardener? by Nick Turrell
I hate the image of gardeners that we are routinely presented with in the media. We are all middle aged, cheerful and smiley. If you are a woman…
What Kind of Dream? by Lucy Masters
This is the entry which won first prize in the 2013 Thinkingardens Competition for an article about Chelsea Flower Show in its centenary year….
Too Many Things by Catharine Howard
Catharine Howard asks what the RHS is up to and why in her piece for the thinkingardens Chelsea 2013 competition. Anne Wareham, editor Too Many…
Garden Hero at Chelsea by Simon Webster
Garden Hero’s entry for the thinkingardens Chelsea 2013 competition… Anne Wareham, editor Garden Hero’s reflections… I received a book last…
The Love of the Familiar by Alison Levey
A nearly – winner in the Chelsea 2013 competition. Nearly! Anne Wareham, editor Chelsea – a little bit familiar? by Alison Levey When I tell people…
Spraying Gold Medals like Confetti by Janey Auchincloss
Janey Auchincloss contemplated the issue of sponsorship for the Chelsea 2013 thinkingardens competition. Anne Wareham, editor ‘They are spraying…
Chelsea is nothing to do with Garden Design by Rupert Butcher.
Rupert Butcher takes issue with the relevance of Chelsea (and maybe even the RHS?) to garden design or gardening in his piece for the Chelsea 2013…
A Floral Fantasy by Bill Rose
Bill Rose was the runner up in the thinkingardens Chelsea 2013 competition, winning a copy of Chris Young’s book. Well done, Bill. Anne Wareham,…