Not quite an Award …
I sometimes get a bit fed up of the garden world, dedicated as it is to banality and the soporific. Until I remember all the contributors to thinkingardens, who seem to come from and inhabit a different universe. They make this site what it is, which is exciting,...I need your help.
Next summer I intend to hold a competition for the best garden review written and submitted during the spring/summer season 2013. It should be orientated to addressing those aspects of a garden which will appeal to and be exciting to a non gardening audience. I have...
The National Gardens Scheme and Veddw
I think by now many readers of thinkingardens will know that our garden, Veddw, was thrown out of the UK National Gardens Scheme. But I think it’s worth mentioning here for the sake of those who haven’t. For those unfamiliar with the scheme it is an...Chelsea best: “Quiet Time: Korean DMZ Forbidden Garden” designed by Jihae Hwang
I’d like to say just how different the “Quiet Time: Korean DMZ Forbidden Garden” is. It gained Gold for its sheer quality and the excellence of the design, but its remarkable feature was the fact that it has powerful and accessible emotional...Goodbye and thank you to the RHS, by Anne Wareham
Just before Christmas I received notice that the RHS would be withdrawing funding for thinkingardens, as they can no longer afford to support it. In January I wrote to Sue Biggs (RHS Director-General) and Elizabeth Banks, (President of the RHS) as follows: In 2005...An important addition to thinkingardens by Anne Wareham
“…. But this is different – these will be links just to specific articles which I am recommending. I’d be delighted to receive suggestions…”