Posh Day Out for Katherine Crouch
Although this took place quite some time ago, it seems to me that many thinkingardens readers will find interest in what goes on at this prestigious annual event. And others will simply find it very entertaining. With thanks to our willing victim, Katherine Crouch....
Taste and Themes at Chelsea by Daniel Bristow
Quite a few of us have ideas about themes and taste at Chelsea (see ‘Do themes help?). But we rarely hear a critical comment from a designer who is actually showing a garden at Chelsea. It takes bottle. Here is Daniel Bristow, (“Propagating Dan”)with...
West Country Thinkingardens Supper
My apologies to contributors waiting to be published, and all you miserable, deprived readers wondering when your next thinkingardens post will arrive. June and July are very busy for me, and I have even found it necessary to do some gardening. Sigh. But normal...
Chelsea – Buildup Sunday by Anne Wareham
I thought there might be some people who’d like to see what Chelsea is like the day before it opens. So here’s some snaps of Buildup Sunday. Anne Wareham editor Anne...
Chelsea 2015 – a review by Katherine Crouch
This is what you want, I think – a real reflection of Chelsea without the hype. Thanks for an amazing effort Katherine, getting it to me so fast and with so many pictures and so much messing around for my benefit. (I’m a monster editor) Anne Wareham,...
Now We are Ten! by Anne Wareham
2015 appears to be a big year in our house. Charles turns old and we’ll also have our Silver Wedding anniversary this June, he tells me. I’m not altogether sure I believe that. We had a big celebration: party, fireworks, speech and all that – to...
At the Herefordshire Hub by Tristan Gregory
This year has been one where talking together has been opening up, and not just under the auspices of thinkingardens. The RHS held a debate which Helen Gazeley reviewed here and which is now on YouTube, here – ‘Are Gardens Art?’ so you can judge it...
Chaumont 2014: review by Valerie Lapthorne
A belated (my fault) review of the 2014 Chaumont Garden Festival – but not too late, it runs until November. I wonder, contemplating these gardens: is it all rather old-fashioned? Anne Wareham, editor International Garden Festival, Chaumont-sur-Loire 2014 by...
Are Gardens Art? review by Helen Gazeley
The promised review of the Royal Horticultural Event at Wisley. Thanks to Helen Gazeley for the review, Suzanne Moss for organising the event and Charles Hawes for the photographs. And here is a recording of the entire proceedings. (warning- it’s over an hour...
More Chelsea
I’m risking boring everyone with more Chelsea stuff – in this case, some thoughts about the actual 2014 show: mine and those of Katherine Crouch. I promise that normal service will be resumed shortly. (ie not quite so often ..) Anne Wareham, editor I...Wisley: a garden debate at Wisley
Are gardens art? – the debate 28th of June from 1.00pm until we shut up. Anne Wareham (you’ve heard of her…), Dr. Noel Kingsbury, Kathryn Aalto and Professor David Cooper lead the debate, which is chaired by Andrew Wilson. Details here Any...
Thinkingardens at Chelsea Fringe 2014
Thinkingardens Supper – Chelsea May 2014 Anne Wareham: I’m going to do something different here. The thinkingardens supper, which was part of the Chelsea Fringe, led to a lively debate which is impossible to summarise. But last time people went on emailing...