Chelsea 2011 by Anne Wareham
Chelsea 2011 “Is Chelsea still relevant?” – with thanks to Lila de Gupta for the question. This year I was wondering about the relevance of Chelsea and of show gardens in particular. I think that they are the joyful celebration of gardens made simply for the delight...Hort Park, Singapore reviewed by Jonathan Fothergill
Travel time, readers from UK and USA – here’s interesting in South East Asia – a great piece from Jonathan Fothergill on Hort park, Singapore. Anne Wareham, editor Singapore, famed for its cut orchids and its botanic garden, has a new kid on the...Chelsea 2009 – What did you learn?
Anne Wareham asks what did you learn at the Chelsea Flower Show 2009

Chelsea 2010 – Do Chelsea gardens benefit from having “themes”? by Anne Wareham
Anne Wareham, editor: I got an email from Graham Rice, responding to my interest in theming (ie. making gardens based on a theme) at Chelsea: “Just been watching the video of Chelsea on the Guardian’s website… And my question is this: Why do all these...Hampton Court Show 2010 reviewed by Stephen Anderton
“the question crying out to be asked is what does conceptual mean?”
Chelsea 2008
Three of the thinkinGardens Group made a short film recording their thoughts.
“But for me, when I look over an edge and down into a space, I want to be rewarded and uplifted ….”
A Tribute to Linnaeus designed by Ulf Nordfiell reviewed by Anne Wareham
“The light echoes of Swedish countryside were one thing, but the effort to bring the Swedish botanist into the picture was the usual over literal, over ‘spelt out’ stuff…”
A Tribute to Linnaeus designed by Ulf Nordfiell reviewed by Stephen Anderton
“It might not be a bad for any garden to start from a default position of absolute simplicity. Only then would certain elements be expanded and explored, as and when the design required them.”
Germaine Greer: Yes, Gardens can be works of art – but you’d never know it from the Chelsea Flower show.
by Germaine Greer.
“Most of our best-known, most-visited gardens are merely pretty, or, worse, picturesque…”
with responses by Anne Wareham, Andrew Wilson, Leigh Hunt, Amanda Patton.