Autobiography of a Garden by Patterson Webster: a review
Autobiography of a Garden is about the garden making, Pat’s life, the history of the land, the ideas, the art, the plants and the devouring deer.
Autobiography of a Garden is about the garden making, Pat’s life, the history of the land, the ideas, the art, the plants and the devouring deer.
The garden is actually interestingly old fashioned. It’s not just the bedding but the relentless inclusion of every garden cliché, however brilliantly executed.
“Despite my swagger, I’m a softy. I well up in tears when I am moved by something–not usually landscapes or gardens.
Floud sets out the history of the garden industry. He is interested in the how and the who, and how much it all cost.
” I am informed that the trampoline is modelled on the boudoir of Marie-Antoinette, (really? That must have been some strange room).”
I did feel I had stepped behind the mirror, like Alice (although I did not meet the Mad Hatter …)
I have heard it said that you shouldn’t meet your idols and while this doesn’t strictly apply to famous gardens, our visit to Great Dixter hadn’t been at all what I had thought it would be.
Whether the sculpture is to your taste isn’t really relevant because each one has been used to remind us that the garden is part of the wider landscape