I hope you’ll excuse this, but I wanted to remind everyone who may be interested that the garden at Veddw is open now. (and it may not be as far away as you think….it’s not deepest Wales…)

Veddw – wild flower meadow. Copyright Charles Hawes
And – to tell anyone who may not have registered, and who may be interested, that I am now blogging on the Veddw website.
The latest piece may especially be of interest to thinking gardeners – it is a first response to the critique of Veddw in Rory Stuart’s new book, ‘What are gardens for?’
It discusses claustrophobia in gardens and some problems of tall, small leaved plants..
Normal service – ie the next thinkingardens piece – will be published here next week.
Anne Wareham, editor

Charles’ Garden at Veddw. Copyright Anne Wareham
Anne, with the garden you have, I feel you’re perfectly entitled to some self-promotion! I only wish I could hitch a plane out of the sky and come and see it. I hope you have a splendid time and get to shut the gate whenever you need a breather!
Faisal – you absolutely must hitch a lift sometime! XXXX