Forbidden Garden 4 copyright Anne Wareham

I’d like to say just how different the “Quiet Time: Korean DMZ Forbidden Garden” is. It gained Gold for its sheer quality and the excellence of the design, but its remarkable feature was the fact that it  has powerful and accessible emotional content.

 This was no facile ‘theme’ but a discussion of reconciliation and healing which clearly came from the heart and made the rest of the show look pretty and shallow. I have been suggesting for years that we think about what gardens can communicate – to endless blank faces and total incomprehension.
But here, here at last, and in such a weighty setting, is an example of the thing we are so in need of: the political garden. Not heavy handed, nor crude in any way, but facing bravely up to Diarmuid Gavin’s bigger but insignificant tower and speaking to the heart. This is what we need more of, and congratulations to Jihae Hwang for a sure touch and succeeding against great odds.
Anne Wareham, editor
Forbidden Garden 1 copyright Anne Wareham
Forbidden Garden 2 copyright Anne Wareham
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