There’s a prize in this – but time’s up now!!!

(I have sent the entries off to our impartial judge – I thought that knowing some of the entrants was not a good thing. Result will be declared on the 8th June! Watch this space….)

I get very bored with relentless Chelsea at this time of year – and this year it is 100 years old, so there will no doubt be more than usual.

So I’m looking to you all to help us out and write something original and interesting about Chelsea.  Possibly about your visit this year, as an old hand or perhaps a first timer. Or, maybe even better, your reflections on what Chelsea offers the garden world – or doesn’t. Feel free – as long as you are interesting.

And now – there’s the Chelsea Fringe. (No, not cringe.) What do you think of it? Is it good, exciting, better than Chelsea – or a brilliant complement?

So – I’m looking for pieces on Chelsea Show and on the Fringe. I have two prizes, besides publication on thinkingardens. So a prize for one on Chelsea and a prize for one on the Fringe.

There’s a copy of the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, a centenary celebration by Brent Elliot

Chelsea Flower Show book

And – a signed copy, of the centenary edition, of “Take Chelsea Home.”  – by virtue of the personal generosity and kindness of the writer, Chris Young.

Take Chelsea Home by Chris Young

Overall winner gets first choice! Pictures would be good, if relevant. 500 words. You don’t have to have been to Chelsea to have thoughts and ideas about it, either. Deadline 28th May.

I’m counting on you! Interesting.

Anne Wareham, editor

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