2015 appears to be a big year in our house. Charles turns old and we’ll also have our Silver Wedding anniversary this June, he tells me. I’m not altogether sure I believe that. We had a big celebration: party, fireworks, speech and all that – to celebrate having lived here 25 years. A couple of weeks later Charles rather sheepishly told me we were a year out and it was actually only 24 years.
We should also be celebrating the publication of my second book, ‘Outwitting Squirrels’.
And just in case you were wondering whether you are actually on the right website, we will also be celebrating the 10th birthday of thinkingardens. If you’d like to know how it began, here is a useful link. So, I am wondering how to celebrate all those things.
We will begin, though, with a thinkingardens supper, under the auspices of the Chelsea Fringe. The supper will be at our usual London venue, the Coach & Horses Pub, at 7.30 on Sunday May 17th, £30.
The proposed topic is ‘Do we still need thinkingardens? and if we do, what for?’ (or can I retire yet?) But if you have an alternative burning topic you’d prefer, that would be fine. Let us know.
Later addition: I feel sure this is a poor topic. Because it’s on my mind doesn’t mean it’s on anyone else’s. Please suggest alternatives from whatever is on your minds?
To book, please contact Lucy here
Hope to see you there.
Anne Wareham, editor

This post made me smile – yes it is unusually cheerful, but then you have a lot to celebrate. I
True! (big grin) Xxx
Wish I could join you but the transport costs are a killer. I send my proxy vote to an attendee – yes, 10 years on, we definitely still need thinkingardens so no (hose)pipe and slippers for you yet Anne. I hope that your revenue continues to grow as advertisers recognise that your audience is exactly the demographic they want. As a fellow online publisher delivering quality, free and fresh content to readers at GardenDrum on an almost daily basis, I know it’s not easy to win advertising in the very traditional horticulture industry to support independent online ventures like ours. Happy 10th Birthday and may there be many returns for you.
I wish you could join us, Catherine – it would be so good to meet my counterpart and colleague from across the other side of the world.Many thanks for your support and understanding – means such a lot. O Pioneers! Xxxx
Sadly I will not be able to come to the supper – I hope it is not the last supper! Maybe we could have a visit to another garden – with a celebratory supper later in the year?
We are maybe going to have a joint event this summer at Veddw with the Tintern Philosophy Circle, followed by a thinkingardens supper. Still to be firmed up….Watch this space. Xx
An event at Veddw would be wonderful. I would love to finally meet both you and Charles, and the garden about which I have read and heard so much. And it is much more achievable from Malvern than traipsing down to London. And yes, we definitely need thinkingardens; it is essential to challenge established horticultural thinking and to share ideas and different ways of looking at gardens. Happy 10th birthday, and many more to come! All hte best from another garden maker west of the Severn x
Thank you – and keep your eyes on the site for an announcement when we’ve sorted out a summer event. Look forward to meeting another Westerner.