The Thinking Gardens Supper – what was it like? by Lucy Masters
At last – the account of the thinkingardens supper, which took place in London in the pouring rain and a tube strike. For all that sixteen people…
Chelsea 2013, some thoughts from Anne Wareham
This year was marked for me by having one garden that shocked me by its badness, and one that delighted me. And the other remarkable thing was the…
Hampton Court Health Warnings by Helen Gazeley.
“Most artists aren’t that philosophical or conceptual. They’re just artists who work within a certain style and if you took their so-called concept…
RHS consulation on the judging at Chelsea – response by Victoria Summerley
The RHS has just held a forum to discuss and get responses to their thoughts about changing the judging process at Chelsea. Victoria Summerley…
Chelsea 2009 – What did you learn?
Anne Wareham asks what did you learn at the Chelsea Flower Show 2009
Gardening in the Wilderness: do we need a revolution in the garden? by Lucy Masters
Suppers are back! Well – one is, thanks to the effort and initiative of Lucy Masters, who wrote this piece to introduce the debate. And Chris Young,…
Chaumont 2012 reviewed by Anne Hanley
We don’t seem to have heard so much of the garden festival at Chaumont recently – or is it simply that I don’t read enough of the garden media? It…
Chelsea 2012 by Anne Wareham
I did my usual for Chelsea – asked people I met on Press Day a question I thought would be of interest to thinkingardeners. Less celebrities this…
Chelsea 2011 by Anne Wareham
Chelsea 2011 “Is Chelsea still relevant?” – with thanks to Lila de Gupta for the question. This year I was wondering about the relevance of Chelsea…
Chelsea 2010 – Do Chelsea gardens benefit from having “themes”? by Anne Wareham
Anne Wareham, editor: I got an email from Graham Rice, responding to my interest in theming (ie. making gardens based on a theme) at Chelsea: “Just…
Chelsea 2013 uncovered by Charles Hawes
The photographers hope to get a press pass again next year… Charles Hawes has a good selection of high resolution…
Painswick Rococo Garden – 21 images from the Art in the Garden exhibition by Anne Wareham
I cannot claim this as a review – rather the editor’s privilege to produce a brief, pictorial indication of what is to be seen at this exhibition,…
Strictly Come Chelsea by Victoria Summerley
This piece is another act of dedication and concern from Victoria Summerley, who should have been packing for a much needed holiday rather than…
Hort Park, Singapore reviewed by Jonathan Fothergill
Travel time, readers from UK and USA – here’s interesting in South East Asia – a great piece from Jonathan Fothergill on Hort park, Singapore. Anne…
Hampton Court Show 2010 reviewed by Stephen Anderton
“the question crying out to be asked is what does conceptual mean?”