Fritillaria meleagris at Veddw copyright Anne Wareham

Frit time..

I’m sorry – this is of no interest to anyone who lives miles from London and doesn’t come to Chelsea. Or indeed, maybe, who doesn’t come to Chelsea Press Day. But those who do, might like to come to our next thinkingardens supper…Details here.

It’s nearly full up (though not everyone who has booked has paid up, so anyone who does book and pays will clearly get priority)  so this is our last call.

I do hope we will soon have more thinkingardens suppers in other parts of the UK. Though I don’t know why not in the USA, Netherlands, Canada, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark and all the other places our readers come from..Someone just needs to organise them…

And if you were hoping for a more exciting post – that will arrive shortly and will be: “We closed our garden” by Abbie Jury. Now, what is that like? (Freedom!??)

Anne Wareham, editor

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