Thinkingardens Supper – Chelsea May 2014
Anne Wareham: I’m going to do something different here.
The thinkingardens supper, which was part of the Chelsea Fringe, led to a lively debate which is impossible to summarise. But last time people went on emailing comments and thoughts to each other for ages, and given this might happen again, I’m giving space here for that exchange, in the comments.
We were oversubscribed, so my apologies to everyone who didn’t get a place and sorry we missed having you. Our next supper will be at Veddw on the 20th September. *
So – I’m hoping to hear more in comments (below) on the topic ‘Are Gardens Natural?‘ from the supper guests (and anyone else who’d like to join in).
The supper guests were:
Tristan Gregory, Sean Swallow, Max Goodchild, Penny Burnfield, Emily Bell, Matthew Appleby, Janine Pattison, Alison Marsden, Ina Sperl, Clare Hoffmann, Helen Yemm, Jonathan Ward, Toby Bull, Ambra Edwards, Fiona Gilsenan, Harriet Ryecroft, Colin Hicks, Anne Wareham. Charles Hawes chaired. Special thanks to him and Lucy.
Here they are:

Here’s Lucy!
(* prices and other details not yet available for the next supper, but contact Lucy if you want to get your foot in the door – We intend tea at Veddw then out for a meal and discussion in the evening. Suggestions for topic welcome.)
Looks like you guys had a great time 🙂
For future reference I will, veto all pictures of me unless Anne is sitting far enough away from me to minimise the size of my nose and render me less like a Nigel Farage look-alike.
It was a great discussion though and I enjoyed my long chats with you know who you are.
It’s rude to point, Anne.
Many thanks to Lucy and all who organised this enjoyable event. Good food + food for thought as well
I have seen the Eryngium and I stand corrected.
Great supper; many thanks.
Sean Swallow and Max Goodchild are very special. That’s all. If they are going along in September it might be difficult not to be there too however I like to keep garden thoughts to myself so perhaps it’s not for me in the end.
There seems to have been plenty to drink, but a marked shortage of food. Is this another sign of austerity Britain?
We are desperate, Rory!!!
No – I’m afraid that when we were eating and talking taking pictures rather went to the wall… XX