My apologies to contributors waiting to be published, and all you miserable, deprived readers wondering when your next thinkingardens post will arrive. June and July are very busy for me, and I have even found it necessary to do some gardening. Sigh. But normal service will be resumed shortly.

In the meantime, we have a treat in store for those of you who can get to the South West of England in September.

Made a garden

Last summer we had a thinkingardens event at Veddw one afternoon, with a critique of the garden over supper that evening. At the thinkingardens supper in London this spring it emerged that people would love to do more of those and Katherine Crouch volunteered to organise one. (Thank you, Katherine, Xx)

So, on Saturday, September the 5th we will be meeting in Somerset. Katherine has booked us a tour of the garden at East Lambrook, (originally created by Margery Fish, see photograph) followed by supper at the Rose and Crown, East Lambrook.

We are suggesting that participants would also visit Lytes Cary Manor Garden in the afternoon before going on to East Lambrook. The two gardens are an interesting contrast and should lend themselves to a lively discussion.

Make a weekend of of it, maybe? Lots of other major gardens and other treats – see Great British Gardens here 

If you’d like to come, please email Katherine to make a booking.

Email = Will be another great evening – don’t miss it.

Anne Wareham, editor

Anne Wareham, portrait Copyright Charles Hawes

No, I won’t tell you how long ago. Had double chin even then.

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