Otherworldly Gardens by Mary Keen
“The question to ask is, ‘what is here that is true, that is underneath the superficial things? What is here that matters?”
The Mad Enterprise of Starting a New Garden by Bridget Hannigan
Just over 30 years ago I started making the garden at Veddw with not much else than a spade and a desperate need to have a garden. There was no…
The practicalities of making a garden by Mary Keen
“Like painters, gardeners select, discard and re-arrange. Like them, we are making something that needs vision and patience and skill. We bring out what lies under the surface….”
Denmans – Why does it “work” – or rather why do visitors like it?
by John Brookes.
“Gardening is to do with continual regeneration, it is never ending but in a nice way.”