Monty Don’s French Gardens – a review by Darryl Moore
Thinkingardens has been rather over Montyied recently, but we rarely get a serious television programme about gardens, so a review of BBC 2’s series on French Gardens is essential. Apologies for the limited range of pictures. Charles prefers Italian gardens. The...Sussex Prairies Garden reviewed by Darryl Moore
It may seem strange to have three reviews of one garden on the thinkingardens site. However, we are frequently told that different people experience gardens differently. It seems right to me that those differences, or lack of them, should be available for people to...Mill Dene Garden reviewed by Darryl Moore
Darryl Moore is a valued garden critic on thinkinGardens, with an astute sense of the relationship between the owner and the garden and its implications (see also his piece on Coombe House/Plas Metaxu). I am grateful therefore to have this review of the garden Mill...Letter from America – further comments
‘When someone describes something as ‘not their cup of tea’, it is telling you far more about them than the garden…..’ Philippa Perry
Sissinghurst – BBC4 reviewed by Darryl Moore
“Ultimately the over-egged, warts-and-all approach to the fractious situation failed to be convincing….”

Nature Over Again: The Garden Art of Ian Hamilton Finlay by John Dixon Hunt
Reviewed by Darryl Moore.
“John Dixon Hunt has established a niche for himself as a theorist who views gardens as places embodied with historic meaning and symbolic content….”

Coombe House reviewed by Darryl Moore
Reflections on a visit to Plaz Metaxu (Coombe House) by Darryl Moore.
“The Vista group visit to Coombe House to view Alasdair Forbes’ Plaz Metaxu garden proved to be interesting, not only in terms of viewing the garden itself, but also in relation to some of the debates it raises concerning gardens in general.”
The TARDIS Garden: thinking big about small spaces
Society of Garden Designers Conference, November 2007.
Reviewed by Darryl Moore.
“Whilst his style of presentation was no doubt intended to be irreverent and humourous, it became less coherent and relevant as his talk progressed.”
Reflections on Garden Discourse
by Darryl Moore.
The relation between gardens and art.
“But it is also important that the idea of art should be questioned, as it is neither a simple nor a universally understood concept or practice.”