Mingle or clump? by Thomas Rainer
This is old and gold – a post by Thomas Rainer followed by a response in the next post by Noel Kingsbury. Eight years ago – so forgive the quality of the pictures. Definitely worth re-reading. = This is going to be challenging and interesting, everyone,...
New Perennials and Structure
I find myself wondering if one of the things which distinguishes the New Perennial gardens from – err – others, is a lack of structures?

Small gardens, anyone? Book Review by Susan Wright
Is this the book everyone wants? Small gardens? Anne Wareham, editor. New Small Garden reviewed by Susan Wright New Small Garden is Noel Kingsbury’s latest book. It’s a comprehensive guide to the “principles, planting and practice” of small...
Garden allusions, by Noel Kingsbury, Anne Wareham, and Yue Zhuang
This piece, originally posted as ‘Allusion in Gardens’ arose out of a discussion about my use of an informal box parterre at Veddw. The intention is to allude to the local field boundaries indicated on the Tithe Map of the area in 1848, creating a link...
Berchigranges Garden reviewed by Noel Kingsbury
Another garden review, and, as Noel says, also an opportunity for someone to get in there and wreck it..maybe take over. Anyone game? And is it the most beautiful garden in the world (apart from Veddw, of course)? And do you share Noel’s criteria for a special...
This other Eden, demi-paradise? – a review by Noel Kingsbury
Such a relief when someone says ‘fantastic doesn’t mean flawless’…. Thanks, Noel! Anne Wareham, editor Review of the Eden Project by Noel Kingsbury The Eden Project, since its opening in 1999, has kept itself in the top 15 or so British...
Are Gardens Art? review by Helen Gazeley
The promised review of the Royal Horticultural Event at Wisley. Thanks to Helen Gazeley for the review, Suzanne Moss for organising the event and Charles Hawes for the photographs. And here is a recording of the entire proceedings. (warning- it’s over an hour...
Not just a load of old coneflowers by Victoria Summerley.
Another fine book review from Victoria Summerley. Thank you, Victoria! Anne Wareham, editor A review of ‘Planting, a new perspective’, by Noel Kingsbury and Piet Oudolf by Victoria Summerley: First, I must apologise to Anne Wareham,. who asked me to reviw...
Clump or Mingle? by Noel Kingsbury
Now, after all that discussion and noise in response to Thomas Rainer’s piece about intermingling planting, here is Noel’s reply to Thomas. (and sorry, he hadn’t read all your comments before writing it..) I must apologise to all those who...
James van Sweden – a memoir by Noel Kingsbury
A short time ago James van Sweden died. I vividly remember the excitement I felt when I first came across the book ‘Bold Romantic Gardens’ which he wrote with Wolfgang Oehme. (It seems my copy is now worth £60.10) Noel Kingsbury wrote a memoir on his...A horticultural conflict
I can’t offer you anything but links for this, but they are links worth following. The background is the publication of Noel Kingsbury and Piet Oudolf’s new book ‘Planting, a new perspective’. The first link is the usual paean of praise for...
Noel Kingsbury’s Blog reviewed by Nick Leech
Here, at long last, the first of our reviews of garden blogs – thank you, Nick Leech. Noel is a good friend of mine, good fun, knowledgeable and generous – though he’s always struck me as a teeny bit smug. This will not succeed in making him less...Pothole Gardens by Felicity Waters
“…the photos below show the best form of roadscaping that I have ever seen in the UK….”