Can professional designers really hope to emulate those for whom a garden is a life’s work?
These are high achievements for professional designers to aim towards….
These are high achievements for professional designers to aim towards….
“The anti-design agenda of some parts of the horticultural world is in part based on a shires-gentry brand of anti-intellectualism which sees design, and talk of design, as essentially vulgar.The country-garden conceit is that you just throw it all together and then, as a result of genetics or feudalism or something, it happens to look good…”
by Tim Richardson.
” – the idea of gardens and gardening comes freighted with apparently unassailable connotations of bourgeois mediocrity and convention, accompanied by visions of elderliness and amateurism.”
Reviewed by Bridget Rosewell.
“…..Moreover, it is not obvious how these ideas relate to conceptual gardens, though they would certainly give apoplexy to those who believe that gardens are about nice plants.”
by Tim Richardson.
“….we are reminded of Finlay’s dictum: “Embark on a garden with a vision but never with a plan….”
by Tim Richardson.
“Beth Chatto’s garden was never going to be ‘my thing’, exactly, but I found it all rather underwhelming….”
by Anne Wareham.
“Try some adjectives: – risk taking, banal, complacent, incomprehensible, exciting, disturbing? – to help you focus on just what you feel about it.”
With responses from Mike Gerrard, Antony Woodward, Tim Richardson, Jenny Woods, Clive Nichols, Chris Young, Yue Zhuang and Rebecca Wells.
“…The Garden of Cosmic Speculation is no longer a dialogue with the universe, it is a monologue about the universe. It is becoming The Garden of Comic Extrapolation, and someone needs to say it.”
by Tim Richardson.
“….In such a view, gardening is innocent, guileless and healthy, while garden design is cynical, unncessary and corrupted by too much knowledge and thought.”
by Noel Kingsbury and Tim Richardson.
“The reason we feel Vista is necessary now is because there seems to be a gulf between academic writing on gardens which tends to be about history and commercial writing on gardens, which focuses either on practical horticulture and plantsman-ship, or on descriptions of individual gardens.”